
Corporate Oaks

Herndon, VA

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Corporate Oaks is located near the Dulles Toll Road and within minutes from numerous restaurants and retail shopping.

The 60,767 RSF low-rise building is ideal for single tenants or multiple tenants, and the building offers large efficient floor plates. This building has a generator and redundant fiber optics serving the building. Corporate Oaks I is less than one mile from the Dulles Toll Road.

Republic acquired this property as a part of its RKB Washington Property Fund, which was later sold in a highly-successful public offering of that fund, and its assets, in December 2005.

* All projects for development are expressed at original cost and do not represent fair market value.

625 Herndon Pkwy., Herndon, VA 20170
Project Cost
$10.4 MILLION*
Year COmpleted