
Somerhill Farms

Gainesville, VA

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Somerhill Farms is a Class-A, 140-unit garden apartment complex built in 2006 and located in Gainesville, Virginia (in the metro Washington, D.C. area). Gainesville is conveniently located at the crossroads of I-66, Route 29, and Route 55, where there is a wide range of lifestyle amenities and shopping wrapped in the lush green surroundings of the Virginia countryside, with panoramic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Gainesville enjoys approximately two million square feet of town center, big box and neighborhood retail space with major anchors including Wegmans, Target, Lowes, Cabela’s, and others, along with several public and private golf courses and the nearby Jiffy Lube Live outdoor concert venue. It is close to upper income single-family homes, townhomes, and age-restricted living facilities, all of which make for an attractive living environment.
Furthemore, there is limited multi-family rental competition in this area due to zoning restrictions, making Somerhill a high-demand community. Somerhill’s condo-like finish level and overall quality make for a light value-add program of select enhancements.

*All projects for development are expressed at original cost and do not represent fair market value.

This project has been sold.